Mrs. Morris has posted the first challenge of our Student Blogging Challenge!
What do we need to do this week?
Create an avatar. Since we are using iPads we will need to find the best way to do this with our iOS devices. Here are some suggestions.
PICKAYOO – This is a free avatar creation app for both male and female simple style avatars. Here is Mrs. Ruffing’s PICKAYOO avatar.
Portrait Shop Cute -free app for both male and female avatars. There is also a Portrait Shop Animal version if you prefer. Here is a male avatar from this app.
Avatar Maker: Selfie – This is a free app for male or female avatars. There are many variations of this app.
(Who says your avatar needs to look just like you!)
Finally, if you have access to another device like a laptop or desktop computer, you can use or (these don’t work on iPad) . Websites like and can be used on any device. Here are examples from these sites.
2. A second task of this week’s challenge is to create an About Me page. A “page” will be accessible on another tab of your blog and it will be static, unlike a post that will gradually move down the page as more posts are added. Look at the top of our class blog page. Do you see “About Us” at the top? That’s a different location than where your posts are appearing. How to add the About Page? Here is a video that shows the steps for adding a new page in Edublogs.
Be sure to review directions in Google Classroom for the shared Google slide project where we will put our “about me” info and avatars together into one slide show. Please write a PRIVATE COMMENT on that assignment if you have any questions and we will help you out. Sounds like a great snow day activity!
Mrs. R.