Cougar Craft

Reading, reflecting, writing – Reaching out to the world

Blogging Challenge Week 3 and 4 comments


During weeks 3 and 4 of the challenge I visited a number of student blogs as part of my role as a teacher commenter. Week 3 was about using images correctly and Week 4 was a catch up/free choice week. That worked out for us because our school was closed for spring break during week 4! Here is the list of students I visited. Give them a look and a comment if you see something that clicks with you!

Week 4

Julia, a USA 12-year-old, has written a beginning to a mystery story. I hope she lets us know what the big crash was in the kitchen. Check out her About Me page. She has quite an extensive list of things. Perhaps you have something in common!

Isabelle, from the same class as Julia, wrote a post about a favorite city to visit – Chicago. Although I have never been to Chicago other than a layover at the airport, I shared some information about the 25 tallest buildings in the world, two of which are in Chicago. Do you know what the tallest building in the world is?

Nikki from USA has submitted several posts written before the challenge. I commented on three of them. One was from November but titled Spring Poem. She seems to really enjoy writing poetry and has included some spiritual thoughts along with her description of Spring. She also submitted a link to a January post titled Glory to God in the Highest, I commented that I wish we had a world where peace was the theme instead of war and hatred. If you have some ideas on how to be a peacemaker, perhaps you can share them with Nikki.

I also commented on Eduardo’s post, The Best Game of My Life. He is an 11 year old from Colombia and has done a wonderful job writing his post in English. I have to assume that English is not his native language and I am very impressed with his story. I shared information about March Madness and the Final Four. Check out his blog if you are a basketball fan also. My comment to Eduardo has not yet been published.

Week 3

Emily in USA created an image of a flower but I am not sure what program she used to do that. In my comment I did ask that question but Emily has not replied yet.

Alexis from the same class created an image of a skateboarder. It seems her class may have been using the “create your own image” task for week 3.

Aleira from Australia created a slide show of images relating to her special interests. She used a site called PhotosforClass for her images. That site provides copyright free images with citations! In a second post for week 3 Aleira created an image using Canva for a beautiful quote.

Brian, a classmate of Emily and Alexis, created his own unique drawing and quote. It deals with mountains. Check it out here.

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