Cougar Craft

Reading, reflecting, writing – Reaching out to the world

The 2020 Student Blogging Challenge


This March the Student Blogging Challenge kicked off for the spring session. Although our school does not have any participants this time I am a teacher commenter for the students who are participating. I will try to showcase their posts and perhaps some of you may want to visit and comment. Remember those important points about commenting:

  1. Make your comment relate to something specific in the post. Don’t just say “Good job!” or “I love your post!” This shows that you really read it and thought about it.

  2. Make a connection by relating something you know about to the topic of the post.

  3. Ask a question to demonstrate interest in the post and possibly keep the conversation going.

  4. Carefully read over your post to be sure you have used correct grammar and spelling.

  5. Check that you have not shared personal info such as your last name, your town, or your school.

Here are the bloggers I visited this week. They were all students in Mrs. Yollis’s class in California, and I believe all in third grade. They all have a creative twist to their blogs.

Pancake Wizard is a pancake who loves to do wizardry as well as dance

Cooper’s Coop-tastic Place is a blog written by a very cute dog who get to do things with his humans.

Happy Hank is also a dog who likes Minecraft, soccer, and dancing and Blastoff with Berkeley is the blog of another canine who likes rockets and basketball.

Finally there is Lucky Ducky, a bright yellow duck who is into soccer and Minecraft.


Students participants are from Canada, US, New Zealand, Nigeria, Australia, UAE, England, Malaysia, and France. More students may be joining in in the next week or so. It will be so interesting to read and comment on their writing. Why don’t you join me?


All images from Pixabay

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